DirectX Raytracing, Tutorial 11

DirectX Raytracing, Tutorial 11
Lambertian surface with one random shadow ray per pixel
Changes to our C++ Render Pass · HLSL Changes for Random Light Selection · What Does it Look Like?

In Tutorial 9, we added a Lambertian shading model that traced a shadow ray to every light. While accurate, there are many reasons tracing shadows rays for each light maybe a poor choice. A key consideration is costs increase linearly with additional lights in the scene.

In this tutorial, we will randomly select just one light to test for each pixel. This is a common strategy when path tracing with explicit direct lighting, but more importantly introduces the idea of Monte Carlo integration on a very simple quantity (the Lambertian term with direct illumination).


Changes to our C++ Render Pass

There is a single difference between the C++ code for this tutorial and Tutorial 9. Since our shader requires a random number generator, we pass down a changing “frame count” to allow us to reseed our pseudorandom number generator each frame.

Our header DiffuseOneShadowRayPass.h declares:

uint32_t  mFrameCount = 0x1337u;

This is a counter that increments each frame and only seeds our per-pixel random numbers. Because we don't want the same random number generator as ThinLensGBufferPass (or any of our other RenderPasses), we initialize mFrameCount to a different value in each pass. I picked somewhat arbitrary hexadecimal numbers, but there's nothing special about these values except each pass is initialized uniquely.

We also pass this mFrameCount down to our shader so we can use it:

auto rayGenVars = mpRays->getRayGenVars();
rayGenVars["RayGenCB"]["gFrameCount"] = mFrameCount++;

HLSL Changes for Random Light Selection

Open up diffusePlus1Shadow.rt.hlsl. Our first change is we initialize a pseudorandom number generator using our input frame count:

[shader("raygeneration")] void LambertianShadowsRayGen() { ... uint randSeed = initRand( launchIndex.x + launchIndex.y * launchDim.x, gFrameCount ); ... }

Then when we are shading, we no longer loop over our lights:

// Old: loop over all lights // for (int lightIndex = 0; lightIndex < gLightsCount; lightIndex++) // New: pick a single random light in [0...gLightsCount-1] int lightIndex = min( int(gLightsCount * nextRand(randSeed)), gLightsCount-1 );

The last consideration: because we use just a single light for shading, in a scene with N lights our random sampling will be too dark (by a factor of N). In Monte Carlo integration, the contribution of each random sample should be divided by the probability of selecting that sample.

Our uniform random light selection (above) samples each light with probability 1.0f / N, so when shading with a random light, we should multiply that light's contribution by N. If using a more intelligent light sampling scheme, a more sophisticated probability must be computed. This means our shading computation changes:

// Old, per-light contribution when looping through all lights
// shadeColor += NdotL * lightColor * isLit * matlDiffuse / M_PI;

// New contribution for a single, randomly selected light
shadeColor = gLightsCount * NdotL * lightColor * isLit * matlDiffuse / M_PI;

What Does it Look Like?

That covers the important points of this tutorial. When running, you get the following result:

Result of running Tutorial 11, after loading the scene “pink_room.fscene”

The tutorial defaults to running with temporal accumulation enabled, so if you turn away for a moment, you might not see the difference from Tutorial 9. However, if you disable temporal accumulation, you will notice the shadows are significantly noisier.

Something we observed in our research: it is easier to denoise direct lighting than indirect, global lighting. This means if you decide to use a filter (like our spatiotemporal variance-guded filter) to reconstruct noisy results for your indirect lighting, you can probably save the cost of extra shadow rays for direct lighting. By the time you have enough information to reconstruct indirect light, you probably have more than enough to reconstruct your direct light, too.

When you are ready, continue on to Tutorial 12, which adds one bounce diffuse global illumination.

formatted by Markdeep 1.00